Discovering Dyslexia & ADHD in Our Child

The world can feel like it’s turned upside down when we discover our child has dyslexia and ADHD. One minute they’re excitedly telling you about their day, the next they’re battling frustration over homework, and letters on a page seem to jumble around like a playground after recess.

We were there. The initial shock, the worry swirling in our minds – it’s a perfectly normal part of this unexpected journey. But here’s the thing we want to share: a diagnosis isn’t a dead end, it’s a starting point.

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Understanding Dyslexia & ADHD

We started by diving deep into understanding dyslexia and ADHD. We learned about the challenges our child might face, but also the incredible strengths that often come along with these conditions. Dyslexia can make reading a struggle, but it can also fuel creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. ADHD can make it hard to focus on lengthy tasks, but it can also bring boundless energy and enthusiasm.

Finding Our Support System

We weren’t alone on this rollercoaster. We connected with doctors, therapists, and online communities filled with other parents who understood what we were going through. This network of support has been invaluable.

Newmark Learning PD Essentials Conquering Dyslexia: A Guide to Early Detection and Prevention for

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Shifting the Focus: A Positive Approach

Discovering our child’s dyslexia and ADHD wasn’t easy, but it shifted our focus to what truly matters: helping them thrive. We work with their teachers to find accommodations that support their learning style. We celebrate their creativity and problem-solving skills. Most importantly, we communicate openly and honestly with them, letting them know we’re their biggest fans and will always be in their corner.

This is Our Journey

This blog is our way of sharing our journey with you. We’ll be talking about the ups and downs, the victories big and small, and the resources that have helped us along the way. We want to show you that there is hope, there is support, and most importantly, there is a path forward where your child can flourish.

Join us on this rollercoaster ride! We may not know what the next turn holds, but together, we can navigate the twists and turns, celebrate the victories, and embrace the beautiful adventure of raising a child with dyslexia and ADHD.

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